Button Bits T38 Spherical

Introducing TOHO KINZOKU

Toho Kinzoku Kabushiki Kaisha (東邦金属 株式会社) is a company headquartered in Osaka, which manufactures and develops products such as tungsten, molybdenum, cemented carbide,and rare metal alloys.The company was founded in 1st February 1950 and has been listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange, Securities Code 5781.

Model SB38S 756
Diameter 2.5 Inch
Rod T38
Tip Type Spherical For Extra Hard Rock
Bit 4 Face and 8 Gauge Buttons
Flushing 2 Face and 2 Side Flushing Holes
Addtional Reverse Blow Type For Rocks With Many Fracture Layers

Model SB38S 758
Diameter 3 Inch
Rod T38
Tip Type Spherical for Extra Hard Rock
Bit 4 Face and 8 Gauge Buttons
Flushing 2 Face and 2 Side Flushing Holes